Checkout issues


I apologize for any inconvenience caused during the checkout process. If you encountered an error while placing your order, we would like to assist you in resolving the issue. Here are a few options to proceed:

  1. Retry your order: I recommend trying to place your order again using a different device or browser. This step often helps resolve technical glitches and ensures a smoother checkout experience.
  2. Contact us via email: If the issue persists or you prefer an alternative solution, please reach out to me at In your email, kindly include the following information:
  • Subject: Order Confirmation Request         
  • Body: "I would like to confirm my order under the name (write your name) with the following billing and shipping address: (write your addresses)"

Once we receive your email, I will promptly create an invoice for your order and send you an additional email with various payment options.

Thank you for your understanding and patience throughout this process. I appreciate your support.
